Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tip-of-the-Day: Sock it to 'em

There are few areas of a (even conservative) man's wardrobe that he can safely play with loud color - a pocket square, a tie, and, most stylishly, socks! Don't get me wrong, the sockless trend is awesome - one that I have subscribe to on a regular basis - but as an alternative to a cool look south of your hemline, try some colorful socks. You can use them to bring out some other color in your outfit or they can be completely random to add a 'pop' to your outfit.

As a general guideline, just as socklessness meshes better with loafers, I would say colorful (especially striped) socks works better with lace-ups.

For some great 'express-yourself' socks check out Paul Smith.

Yours in style, Style Blogger

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